An illegal abuse of the institution of the Polish Ministry of Justice has been alleged in 2024 by the Stowarzyszenie Wolne Społeczeństwo (SWS, Free Society Association) in criminal proceedings (Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy Śródmieścia w Warszawie, ref.: V K 568/24) against Polish ministerial and judicial officials who brutally thwarted civil society organizations in child protection cases.
The motion to investigate the Polish Ministry of Justice in child and family protection cases is supported by the official demand of the Polish MPs since 2016: “Dezyderat nr 3 Komisji Łączności z Polakami za Granicą z dnia 19 maja 2016 r.”. The parliamentary demand (”dezyderat”, desiderate) remains unfulfilled and the new criminal proceedings (V K 568/24) is being hampered by the judicial refusal to follow the article 11(2) of the Polish penal code that provides for the court’s obligation to decide the legal charges in their entirety: