Notification of a fraudulent legal representation / Powiadomienie o oszukańczej reprezentacji prawnej


Fundacja Wolne Spoeczestwo (FWS) demands that the Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors immediately stop the fraudulent case preparation for the defence of Ms B., a Polish mother whose child has been abducted in England and given into adoption on a false ground of the EU law by an English judge cooperating with Polish officials and a swindler detective with governmental connections and buffoon reputation in Poland to outsmart the mother having no idea of law, no sufficient command of English language and possibly some difficulties in reasoning.

The mother’s efforts to organise protection for her child and her family in England after Ms C. Cody caused a grave bodily harm to the child are now being falsely and insolently presented by the police as “stalking”. Ms B. has been (1) falsely accused of “stalking” Ms C. Cody who took part in obstruction of justice in the adoption proceedings in England against the Polish family in England after she caused a bone fracture in the child of Ms B.

There are other outrageous circumstances of the accusation worth to be mentioned: (2) unreasonable prolongation of the proceedings by the police in the case where Ms B. immediately and fully explained her actions and fully and openly supported the police in all their investigation, and (3) the brutality of the police who arrested Ms B. without any ground and any need. The police until today did not return to Ms B. her property taken from her by the detention years ago.

There is a need to stop an abuse of process and the breach of Art. 6 of the ECHR in the trial through the unreasonable time between the trial and the alleged offence, the lack of translation of the accusation into the Polish language, the only language known to the accused, as well as the lack of legal assistance in preparation of defence on the ground of Protection of Harassment Act 1997, 4A(4)(a) in the case where the course of conduct of the accused was obviously pursued for preventing and detecting crime of abuse of her child after she had been informed that the child had been gravely injured.

If Ms Laura OBrien as a defence lawyer did not even notice that the illegal adoption proceedings had been organised in England and not in Poland and apparently does not wish to explain the outrageous situation to the court then the defence of the accused mother has to be truly considered to be a fraudulent legal representation.

After being notified that her child suffered severe bodily injuries Ms B. was obligated as a mother to take every action to protect her child. Her actions had not been personally concentrated on the negligent foster carer, Ms. C. Cody, who caused the injuries, but on the child of Ms B. She reviewed for example the school area because she had been told that her child should be there, and the police confirmed that expectation to be right. It is an abuse of process when the police now pretends to believe, that the mother visited the school to “stalk” Ms C. Cody or somebody related to her. The police tried to accuse Ms B. for the child’s injuries. When the police found no ground for such an accusation they dropped the case of injury altogether although the police should investigate at lest the negligence of the professional foster carer.

The are grounds to suspect that the police proceedings has been prolonged to intimidate or even terrorise the mother in order to protect the professional foster carer, the official and the judges from the possible charges of negligence and obstruction of justice in the family proceedings. In such a case the charges lodged against Ms B. may be treated as a severe form of obstruction of justice.

The charges against the foster carer of negligence and against the police of the length of proceeding and of the groundless detention of the mother require a thorough examination against the UK police code of conduct. A pursuit of protection of good image of the police and the officials involved in the brutality against the mother may function in the proceedings as the source of prejudice against the mother. The police and even the court are expected to seek to justify their faults by blaming their victim.

British and Polish officials organised the child’s abduction when a significant number of children in the UK are waiting for decent foster care and when the groundlessly accused mother had assured the option of foster care for her child in Poland. Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors do not apparently wish to bother the criminal court with a foul case of judicial fraud and criminality in England. The FWS has its statutory obligation to democratically call the public for the child’s protection.



FWS domaga si, aby Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors natychmiast zaprzestali przygotowania oszukaczego postpowania w obronie pani B., polskiej matki, ktrej dziecko zostao uprowadzone w Anglii i przekazane do adopcji na faszywym gruncie prawa UE przez angielskiego sdziego wsppracujcego z polskimi urzdnikami i oszust-detektywem majcym powizania z rzdem i reputacj pajaca w Polsce, aby przechytrzy matk, nie majc pojcia o prawie, niedostatecznej znajomoci jzyka angielskiego i by moe pewnych trudnoci we wnioskowaniu.

Starania matki o zorganizowanie ochrony dziecka i rodziny w Anglii po tym, jak pani C. Cody spowodowaa powane uszkodzenie ciaa dziecka, s obecnie faszywie i bezczelnie przedstawiane przez policj jako “przeladowanie”. Pani B. zostaa (1) faszywie oskarona o “przeladowanie” pani C. Cody, ktra uczestniczya w utrudnianiu sprawowania wymiaru sprawiedliwoci w postpowaniu adopcyjnym w Anglii przeciwko polskiej rodzinie w Anglii po tym, jak spowodowaa zamanie koci u dziecka pani B.

Warto wspomnie o innych oburzajcych okolicznociach oskarenia: (2) nieuzasadnionym przedueniu postpowania przez policj w sytuacji, gdy B. natychmiast i w peni wyjania swoje dziaania oraz w peni i otwarcie wspomagaa policj we wszystkich dotyczcych jej dochodzeniach, oraz (3) brutalno policji, ktra aresztowaa pani B. bez podstaw i jakiejkolwiek potrzeby. Do dzi policja nie wrcia do pani B. jej mienia zabranego jej podczas aresztowania lata temu.

Konieczne jest zaprzestanie naduywania procesu i naruszenia art. 6 EKPC przez nieuzasadniony czas midzy rozpraw a domniemanym przestpstwem, brak tumaczenia oskarenia na jzyk polski, jedyny jzyk znany oskaronej, a take brak pomocy prawnej w przygotowaniu obrona na podstawie Ustawy o ochronie przed molestowaniem z 1997 r., 4A (4) (a) w przypadku, gdy przebieg postpowania oskaronego mia oczywicie na celu zapobiegania i wykrywania przestpstwa polegajcego na wykorzystywaniu dziecka, po tym jak matk poinformowano, e jej dziecko zostao powanie ranione lub pobite.

Jeli Laura O’Brien jako adwokat obrony nawet nie zauwaya, e postpowanie w sprawie nielegalnej adopcji zostao zorganizowane w Anglii, a nie w Polsce, i najwyraniej nie chce wyjani sdowi oburzajcej sytuacji, to obrona matki oskaronej musi by naprawd uznana za nieuczciw reprezentacj prawn.



Dear Mr Poturalski

As you are neither our client nor a party to these proceedings, we do not accept instructions from you.

Ms (…) has legal aid with our firm. She has two options in terms of the legal aid order, she can ask that legal aid is withdrawn and represent herself or she can approach another firm and apply for legal aid to be transferred to them. This would be on application to the Court who determine whether legal aid should be transferred. She can equally instruct another firm on a pro bono or private paying basis.

Given the suggestions of fraudulent representation, while ill-conceived, unfounded and disputed, it does appear that there has been a breakdown in the relationship and it is difficult to see how we could continue to act in this matter.

Yours sincerely

Laura O’Brien | Solicitor | For Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors

Notification of a systemic fraudulent legal representation

Fundacja Wolne Spoeczestwo (FWS, Free Society Foundation) indeed is neither a client of the Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors nor a party to the proceedings concerning Ms B. The Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors should obviously not accept any instructions from FWS.

However, the Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors take some social and public responsibilities towards civil society as the Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors are profiting from the public protection of the legal profession of solicitor. Therefore, it is reasonable to demand, standing on the civil society side, that the Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors do their duties and protect the child and mother from the state crime against family.

It would be unreasonable for the FWS to try to help to find decent lawyers for families in the many countries of the EU of which UK is still a part. It would be also beyond the means of a small civil society organisation to undertake such an effort.

FWS just encourages lawyers to do their (good) work.


FWS rzeczywicie nie jest ani klientem Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors, ani stron postpowania dotyczcego pani B. Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors nie powinni oczywicie przyjmowa adnych instrukcji od FWS.

Jednak Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors bior na siebie odpowiedzialno spoeczn i publiczn wobec spoeczestwa obywatelskiego, poniewa Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors korzystaj z publicznej ochrony zawodu prawnika. Dlatego uzasadnione jest danie, ze strony spoeczestwa obywatelskiego, aby Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors wykonali swoje obowizki i chronili dziecko i matk przed przestpstwem przeciwko rodzinie.

Byoby nierozsdnym, gdyby FWS staraa si znale przyzwoitych prawnikw dla rodzin w wielu krajach UE, ktrej Wielka Brytania jest nadal czci. Podjcie takiego wysiku wykraczaoby poza moliwoci maej organizacji spoeczestwa obywatelskiego.

FWS po prostu zachca prawnikw do wykonywania (dobrej) pracy.