The government of Poland prepares a new bill to keep throwing people to jail for saying the truth about politicians. Disappointed NGOs and lawyers either become ignored by the authorities or seem to be too scared to protest openly or decisively:
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The National Council of Judiciary in Poland remains inactive despite being called to a democratic discussion about child and family protection against judicial criminality:
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An illegal abuse of the institution of the Polish Ministry of Justice has been alleged in 2024 by the Stowarzyszenie Wolne Społeczeństwo (SWS, Free Society Association) in criminal proceedings (Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy Śródmieścia w Warszawie, ref.: V K 568/24) against Polish ministerial and judicial officials who brutally thwarted civil society organizations in child protection cases.
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A Polish newspaper reports about a failure of a new bill taking aim at crime against children in Poland; a failure causing confusion seemingly profitable for lawyers.
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Who will support a petition for an independent review conducted with a civil society participation in the governmental “Agreement” of 2024-08-09, concerning the liability of public officials in Poland for their criminal actions?
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The public prosecutor Dariusz Korneluk unjustifiably refused legal protection for Polish children and families within the European Union.
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The petitions to the Polish parliament for democratic election of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Poland have been filed (PDF). / Petycje do Sejmu i Senatu o demokratyczny wybór Rzecznika Praw Dziecka zostały formalnie wniesione (PDF):
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The higher chamber of the Polish parliament has been petitioned about the legality of the appointment of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights after one only cancidacy and no choice had been given to the lower chamber of the parliament (PDF):
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Who knows if Poland has a legal President (PDF): / Kto wie, czy Polska ma legalnego prezydenta (PDF):
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FWS filed a protest against the illegal appointment of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Poland of 28 November 2023, condemning the lack of democratic choice with one only candidacy and without any discussion (PDF):
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FWS demands from the Polish parliament a democratic procedure of election of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights (PDF):
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A Florida civil court awarded Maya Kowalski and her family over $211 million in compensatory damages on Thursday after finding Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital (JHACH) liable on claims of malpractice, wrongful death, false imprisonment, battery, emotional distress, and fraudulent billing. (2023-11-09).
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FWS demands from the National Council of Judiciary in Poland a substantive cooperation with the civil society against the political manipulation visible in the present activity of the Council:
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The FWS observes (28230202-fws-pp) that the Polish health ministry does not respect everyone’s right to decide about her or his own health protection. Additionally the ministry attempts to issue a regulation without [Read more…]